Thursday, December 10, 2009


Sometimes I think I have the greatest job ever and my life is finally figured out and then it all goes kaput. I had my work/career/family time all figured out and working very nicely, but then my childcare was abruptly cut short. I don't have the money to go to a regular daycare while I pay for my son's preschool. I don't think I can continue to only work part-time. I changed my job so that I could spend more time with my children, but with my new arrangement I feel like I am spending less time with them. And that time is precious and quickly slipping away. I need more.

As for my job, I love the people and the atmosphere, but, frankly, I am getting a little bored. I think I can do more, but I need more time at my library. I don't want to do mediocre work. I have so many ideas packed in my head that are screaming to get out, but I need another venue. I think I am on the search for another library position. Of course, that won't happen in a day and I need to be patient. That is hard. Life is hard. I just wish . . .

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I have already delved into the world of podcasting and while I like being able to get to the content when I want it, I find that I actually have the time to listen to it at all. I really like the information from the New York Times Review of Books, but don't really listen to them that much. Like everything it takes a certain level of commitment to your podcasts to keep up and informed. I like the overall idea of podcasting, but in reality just don't have the time.


This is really the first time I have looked at Foxfire. I have been told about it and its greatness, but have just never ventured here. It does definitely seem a bit faster than the old searches, but other than that it is about the same experience for me. I did add a Google tool bar and Stumbleupon --seems useful.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Easter 2009

Easter 2009
Originally uploaded by ruskins

Don't they just look precious? Really hard to keep them clean that day.

This process of putting the photo on my post was a little harder than I thought. I got it and now it will be easy, but wasn't that easy to set up. Seemed like a lot of steps. Oh, well. Now I am ready to post photos everywhere.
Here is the letter opening bunny from YouTube

He isn't the Easter Bunny, but still cool.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Weekend of Ups and Downs

This weekend was a strange one for me. It all started great! I watched the Pens win the Stanley Cup for the third time in my life. I love hockey and this whole series was exciting and filled with emotion. It was what hockey is meant to be and I was so proud of my team.

The next day was a family outing to the Arts Festival, usually a fun-filled day of art, food and crafts. This year my children made it a miserable day of whining and not really getting to do anything. This in turn made my husband miserable and angry. This all led up to us leaving the city and going back home. Ugh! What a day.

Sunday turned out better. After church, we grabbed lunch and spent some more quality time at the park. It was O.K. No one got hurt at the park and we only had one little "accident" if you know what I mean. After that the kids visited the grandparents and my husband and I and an old friend went to see Star Trek. It was a thrill ride of constant adventure, but it was the kind of almost mindless entertainment that boosts the spirit. The good guys win in the end even if they get beat up along the way.

I can only hope that the rest of my week is calm and that I can surf the Summer Reading wave without crashing into the murky waters.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Program Success?

I'm never really sure when you get a really small crowd at a program if it is a success. Today we had 5 people for an author event. This is 5 more than I expected because no one registered. (grrr!) But is that really worth the author's time and my efforts to promote this event. O.K. it is 5 people who never met him before and he got to plug a new book, but still. I always feel very deflated after an event like this. Looking back I don't think I could have promoted it more. The only thing I wish I had more of was time and I think everyone wishes for that at some point. Well, back to the grind and promoting the next library event.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Downloadable Stuff

Today, my task for "23 Things" was to explore the world of downloadable books and videos. For many years now, it has been my job to promote these items and train staff about them. I really don't like them for myself. I know lots of others do and that is what the library has them for. I think the process of downloading is relatively simple once you have run through the steps and created an account. The thing that I don't enjoy is the browsing of titles, however they are organized, nothing beats walking through a library of books and discovering some little gem that you would have never picked up in a bookstore, but are willing to try for free. I just don't feel the same way about audiobooks.

The videos are a little better for me because the format is very similiar. I still find browsing a bit tedious on the computer, but I am more willing to download and watch on my computer then download and listen.

Of course, I don't tell any of this to the patrons. To them they would think I love it and work hard to promote them, just like any other resource. Hope I haven't been too much of a downer for all the lovers of downloadables, but I just love my books!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

1st Saturday on the Job

Today is my first Saturday working at Moon and I am again officially "in charge" for the day. Other librarians thought that this might make me nervous, but it really didn't. I am oh so comfortable in my library work. It is like a second home. And, of course, because it is a gorgeous day outside, the library is pretty slow. Thus, the blogging.

My question for the day and what to do with your kids when they are really getting on your nerves and you are the only one there? Keep in my my children are too small to send away to play. I have to be there and the constant togetherness just make the annoyance oh so much greater. And, if you are a parent, you know what I'm talking about. It's not that you don't love your kids to death and would do anything for them, but sometimes you just need 5 minutes of quiet. I was at my wit's end yesterday with my littlest one and just could not make him happy. I was already low on the patience scale and a half and hour of crying can weigh on the patience of a nun. Luckily, my husband came home and we were able to take a lovely walk in the neighborhood. Everyone calmed down and life was good again. Still drank a glass of wine after the kids went to bed, but I didn't really need it. It was more to savor the moment of peace that reigned in my little domain. I never really figured out what to do in the chaos, but at least I survived. Nobody ever said that raising kids was going to be easy, but they never told me that it was going to be this hard either.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Shoutout for Moon

As you know if you have read my blog, I recently changed jobs and libraries. I just want to take this opportunity to give a shout out to my new library, Moon. This place is great. The people are friendly and I never felt that weird ackward feeling you get at a new job. I feel very comfortable here and since I have set off the alarm I just I am one of the crew.

Funny, how life takes us where we're meant to go if we listen.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Pros and Cons of Blogging

Sometimes I really wonder why people blog? For lovers of blogging, it is about connecting with millions of others through the Internet and sharing thoughts and ideas and I little piece of themselves. For haters of blogging, it's all just a waste of time, just talk to someone! I am in the middle. Mostly, because when I blog I don't get much feedback. I have no idea how many people have looked at my blog or care. I don't know if they like what I have to say or not. I feel like I put a piece of myself out there, but don't much for it. I do like getting to get thoughts out of my head and onto the screen. I used to write a journal for this, but just don't have the time. So, blogging is my answer to that. I see both sides of the argument and am kinda wishy washy on the subject. What do you think?

Monday, May 11, 2009

It's Been A While!

I haven't posted for quite some time because my life has been in much upheaval. I made the decision to quit my full-time job to move to a part-time job and more mommy time. I am really happy with my decision. I don't miss extra hours at work and really love being able to spend more time with my little guys. I felt like I was cheating them and giving more of myself to my library. I love my library, but just not quite as much as my family. Even based on that fact this was a really hard decision to make because as a career move it is a step down. It means less pay and less benefits. For the ever overachiever it is difficult to set those things aside for something so intangible as time with your family. I mean how to you measure your success?

I always knew the decision was the right one in my heart, but sometimes your head gets in the way. I am just fortunate that I was brave enough to take the leap and let myself be "mom."

Friday, March 27, 2009

Spring is in the Air!

Spring is here and the weather is finally starting to make a turn. The sunshine and warm breezes really make me want to read. C'mon, did you really expect something different? I love to read outside. It is the best to have a good book and feel the sunshine warming your skin. I just love it! Of course, finding the really good book is the hard part and finding just the right little nook to cozy into. Mmm. . .good times are on the way.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Ahh. . .Sunshine

There is actual sunshine outside and it is warm. Just breathing in a little fresh air makes your day seem better. I got to go outside on my lunch break and read. I love doing that. It brings me a sense of peace. My day is flying by and I hope that my Book Discussion this evening is a lively one. Tallyho!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

It's My Baby's Birthday!

I find it almost impossible to believe that today is my son's fourth birthday. Where has the time gone? He is so grown up already and I am such a mom. When did all this happen? I think back to four years ago when I was in labor (about now I was living the dream of an Epidural) and don't even see myself. It seems like someone else who went through that horrific labor to have a tweeny weensy 4 lb. 5 oz. miracle. It seems like someone else who worried about him being healthy and wanting desperately to take him home, but had to wait a whole month before she could. It seems like another woman until I look at my boy and know that I am his mom. I love him beyond words and can't imagine my life without him. Happy Birthday!

Monday, February 9, 2009

What I am Doing?

I am having a crazy mixed up day. I am trying to set up programs for the summer and am living in winter. Feels like I keep jumping back and forth from the future to the present. I have about twenty other things going on as well and my babysitter called to tell me that my son is puking. We are waiting to see on that one. He ate a waffle with cream cheese and syrup and then had chocolate. Ugh! That doesn't even sound good. Anyway, it may just be a case of sugar overload. Let's hope so because I really don't want a sick toddler on my preschooler's birthday (tomorrow). Yes, tomorrow my little man turns 4. That is just amazing. It seems like I just had him yesterday and now he is old enough for school and so independent. But right now I am trying to focus on how to modify a report in Quickbooks. I just can't get it right and it is driving me crazy! Thus, the break to put a post here. Hope someone starts reading these. Well, now it seems to be time for lunch and an afternoon of meetings. Of course, my night is full of cupcake making and getting ready for birthday madness.

Friday, February 6, 2009

First Historic Posting

Ah. . .my first post. What shall it be about? It seems like an historic event that should be captured and cherished, but I am at a loss. So, maybe I will let you know why I am blogging in the first place. I hope to put a personality with the one dimensional Library Director title. I think a lot of people think they know a librarian, but let me asure you that you do not.

First off, you might not think I am in charge here when you first enter the library. I am only 4"9' and some people think I am too young to be the one in charge. Again let me asure you that I am not. I have worked at this library since 2000. I started as a clerk when I was in graduate school at the University of Pittsburgh and things have changed quite a bit since then. I am now a full fledged librarian. I am married. And I have two little boys. My life is crazy and most of the time I don't know how I manage to get through the day.

Please let me share and hope you share too!