Saturday, June 6, 2009

Program Success?

I'm never really sure when you get a really small crowd at a program if it is a success. Today we had 5 people for an author event. This is 5 more than I expected because no one registered. (grrr!) But is that really worth the author's time and my efforts to promote this event. O.K. it is 5 people who never met him before and he got to plug a new book, but still. I always feel very deflated after an event like this. Looking back I don't think I could have promoted it more. The only thing I wish I had more of was time and I think everyone wishes for that at some point. Well, back to the grind and promoting the next library event.

1 comment:

  1. I tried posting a supportive comment, and my browser ate it. Sigh.

    I think 5 people who went away happy is plenty, and that libraries need different measurements for success.
