Saturday, May 30, 2009

1st Saturday on the Job

Today is my first Saturday working at Moon and I am again officially "in charge" for the day. Other librarians thought that this might make me nervous, but it really didn't. I am oh so comfortable in my library work. It is like a second home. And, of course, because it is a gorgeous day outside, the library is pretty slow. Thus, the blogging.

My question for the day and what to do with your kids when they are really getting on your nerves and you are the only one there? Keep in my my children are too small to send away to play. I have to be there and the constant togetherness just make the annoyance oh so much greater. And, if you are a parent, you know what I'm talking about. It's not that you don't love your kids to death and would do anything for them, but sometimes you just need 5 minutes of quiet. I was at my wit's end yesterday with my littlest one and just could not make him happy. I was already low on the patience scale and a half and hour of crying can weigh on the patience of a nun. Luckily, my husband came home and we were able to take a lovely walk in the neighborhood. Everyone calmed down and life was good again. Still drank a glass of wine after the kids went to bed, but I didn't really need it. It was more to savor the moment of peace that reigned in my little domain. I never really figured out what to do in the chaos, but at least I survived. Nobody ever said that raising kids was going to be easy, but they never told me that it was going to be this hard either.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Shoutout for Moon

As you know if you have read my blog, I recently changed jobs and libraries. I just want to take this opportunity to give a shout out to my new library, Moon. This place is great. The people are friendly and I never felt that weird ackward feeling you get at a new job. I feel very comfortable here and since I have set off the alarm I just I am one of the crew.

Funny, how life takes us where we're meant to go if we listen.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Pros and Cons of Blogging

Sometimes I really wonder why people blog? For lovers of blogging, it is about connecting with millions of others through the Internet and sharing thoughts and ideas and I little piece of themselves. For haters of blogging, it's all just a waste of time, just talk to someone! I am in the middle. Mostly, because when I blog I don't get much feedback. I have no idea how many people have looked at my blog or care. I don't know if they like what I have to say or not. I feel like I put a piece of myself out there, but don't much for it. I do like getting to get thoughts out of my head and onto the screen. I used to write a journal for this, but just don't have the time. So, blogging is my answer to that. I see both sides of the argument and am kinda wishy washy on the subject. What do you think?

Monday, May 11, 2009

It's Been A While!

I haven't posted for quite some time because my life has been in much upheaval. I made the decision to quit my full-time job to move to a part-time job and more mommy time. I am really happy with my decision. I don't miss extra hours at work and really love being able to spend more time with my little guys. I felt like I was cheating them and giving more of myself to my library. I love my library, but just not quite as much as my family. Even based on that fact this was a really hard decision to make because as a career move it is a step down. It means less pay and less benefits. For the ever overachiever it is difficult to set those things aside for something so intangible as time with your family. I mean how to you measure your success?

I always knew the decision was the right one in my heart, but sometimes your head gets in the way. I am just fortunate that I was brave enough to take the leap and let myself be "mom."