Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Ahh. . .Sunshine

There is actual sunshine outside and it is warm. Just breathing in a little fresh air makes your day seem better. I got to go outside on my lunch break and read. I love doing that. It brings me a sense of peace. My day is flying by and I hope that my Book Discussion this evening is a lively one. Tallyho!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

It's My Baby's Birthday!

I find it almost impossible to believe that today is my son's fourth birthday. Where has the time gone? He is so grown up already and I am such a mom. When did all this happen? I think back to four years ago when I was in labor (about now I was living the dream of an Epidural) and don't even see myself. It seems like someone else who went through that horrific labor to have a tweeny weensy 4 lb. 5 oz. miracle. It seems like someone else who worried about him being healthy and wanting desperately to take him home, but had to wait a whole month before she could. It seems like another woman until I look at my boy and know that I am his mom. I love him beyond words and can't imagine my life without him. Happy Birthday!

Monday, February 9, 2009

What I am Doing?

I am having a crazy mixed up day. I am trying to set up programs for the summer and am living in winter. Feels like I keep jumping back and forth from the future to the present. I have about twenty other things going on as well and my babysitter called to tell me that my son is puking. We are waiting to see on that one. He ate a waffle with cream cheese and syrup and then had chocolate. Ugh! That doesn't even sound good. Anyway, it may just be a case of sugar overload. Let's hope so because I really don't want a sick toddler on my preschooler's birthday (tomorrow). Yes, tomorrow my little man turns 4. That is just amazing. It seems like I just had him yesterday and now he is old enough for school and so independent. But right now I am trying to focus on how to modify a report in Quickbooks. I just can't get it right and it is driving me crazy! Thus, the break to put a post here. Hope someone starts reading these. Well, now it seems to be time for lunch and an afternoon of meetings. Of course, my night is full of cupcake making and getting ready for birthday madness.

Friday, February 6, 2009

First Historic Posting

Ah. . .my first post. What shall it be about? It seems like an historic event that should be captured and cherished, but I am at a loss. So, maybe I will let you know why I am blogging in the first place. I hope to put a personality with the one dimensional Library Director title. I think a lot of people think they know a librarian, but let me asure you that you do not.

First off, you might not think I am in charge here when you first enter the library. I am only 4"9' and some people think I am too young to be the one in charge. Again let me asure you that I am not. I have worked at this library since 2000. I started as a clerk when I was in graduate school at the University of Pittsburgh and things have changed quite a bit since then. I am now a full fledged librarian. I am married. And I have two little boys. My life is crazy and most of the time I don't know how I manage to get through the day.

Please let me share and hope you share too!